Show Us your #CycleOpsSelfie

Show Us your #CycleOpsSelfie

You're probably thinking "What exactly is a #CycleOpsSelfie"?

At the most technical level, a #CycleOpsSelfie is a photo of you taken by you on or with a CycleOps trainer or indoor cycle. We’ve been asking our Twitter followers to send us their #CycleOpsSelfies for a few months and our request has led to some very creative selfies—including reflections in TVs, sunglasses, and sweat (yes. sweat). And for those who prefer a more traditional shot of themselves on or with a CycleOps, we count those, too. Selected photos are arranged into an epic #CycleOpsSelfie collage on our Twitter profile. Photos used in our profile header are tagged with the user’s Twitter handle and we build up a new image every so often to keep it fresh.

So take a minute, check out our profile (on desktop or tablet), and show us your #CycleOpsSelfie by tagging your photo on Twitter or Facebook with #CycleOpsSelfie.

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