School's In, But What Does That Mean for My Workout Routine?

School's In, But What Does That Mean for My Workout Routine?

It's that time of year again. Whether you're a parent or a student, the transition back to school can be utter chaos. We're going to let you in on a little secret that'll help you save time, multi-task and help manage stress. We call it: Riding your bike indoors. And riding inside is something we know quite a bit about.

Multi-tasking: Cross "I'm too busy" off your list of reasons why you can't get a workout in. An indoor bike trainer is one of the best ways to exercise while doing something else. We've heard from many indoor riding buffs that they'll use the time on the trainer to catch up on their TV shows or study for an upcoming exam. Hop on the trainer the next time dinner is in the oven, kids are at practice or when you need a jolt to stay away studying. It's multi-tasking at its healthiest.

Ashley Golder pedaling his way through dissertation revisions
Ashley shared this photo of him pedaling his way through dissertation revisions.

Time Saving: Take a second to think about all the stuff you need to ride outside and how long it may take to get to the start of the trail. Now think about riding for the same amount of time in your house. There's a difference, right? Riding inside can shave anywhere from minutes to hours off your exercise time – and that's a big deal if you're a time-crunched person (and who doesn't feel that way these days?) With a turbo trainer you simply hook your bike up, hop on and ride. That requires less planning ahead, zero drive time and a much shorter path to the shower.

Working out at 4am to leave the rest of the day for family time
Crystal and her husband (pictured above) workout at 4am to leave the rest of the day for family time.

Stress Relief: It almost goes without saying: exercise is one of the best ways to relieve stress. No matter your lifestyle, most of us experience stress on a day-to-day basis. An indoor stationary bike is one of the best and fastest (see above) ways to blast away tension or boost a sour mood. To maximize the impact, mix your indoor ride with some favorite tunes or ride alongside a friend or two.

A group gathers for an indoor training class at Defined Fitness Training in Boulder, CO
A group gathers for an indoor training class at Defined Fitness Training in Boulder, CO.

If you're ready to maximize all the benefits of an indoor bike trainer, there's never been a better time to check out bike trainers, indoor cycles and all those must-need training accessories.