Bike Your Brat to Work Day = #BYBTWD

Bike Your Brat to Work Day = #BYBTWD

The first cyclists in line at Bratfest 2015

Every Friday of every Memorial Day Weekend for the last ten plus years, hundreds of Madisonians line-up at Willow Island for Take Your Brat to Work Day. That's right, the residents of this fine city rise with the sun to participate in the World's Largest Brat Fest's kick-off event to dine on bratwursts for breakfast (don't knock it 'till you try it!)

Not one to be left out on an event that involves one of our favorite foods, we added a cycling twist five years ago that we like to call Bike Your Brat to Work Day – or #BYBTWD for short. The result is an entirely new tradition that perfectly marries the bratwurst with the bicycle.


Friday, May 26th from 6:00 am – 9:00am


The World's Largest Brat Fest at Willow Island


We'll buy the first 100 cyclists that arrive at Willow Island by bike up to 6 brats. Not only do cyclists roll away a bag full of breakfast-worthy sausage, they'll get to cut the line - a benefit that's almost as appealing as the brats themselves.

Cyclists in line at Bratfest 2015

And you can rest assured that plenty of bike parking will be available for the entirety of Brat Fest, as we're proud to provide free bike parking for up to 200 bikes. Just remember to bring your own lock for extra peace of mind.

Cyclists at Bratfest 2015

So if you're in Madison this Memorial Holiday Weekend, and you've got a craving for brats, grab your bike and pay us a visit. You just may get a free brat.

Brats transported via Saris bicycle beverage holder
