We're bringing The Great Rack Upgrade to cycling's opening event: the Sea Otter Classic.
This special, event-only offer lets attendees trade-in used bike racks (any style, any brand) in exchange for a new Saris rack. Our staff will be there to take used roof racks, trunk racks or hitch racks off your hands in exchange for 50% off a select Saris rack.
And for those without a car rack to trade-in but still want to participate, visit our tent to get 20% off a new bicycle rack for your car. It's as easy as that.
Participating attendees can upgrade to the SuperClamp 2- or 4-bike, Freedom 2- or 4-bike, and the SUPERBones. A select number of SuperClamp hitch racks will be fat bike compatible out of the box. All of our bike racks are made in the USA and are backed with a lifetime warranty.
Just remember to visit our tent early on, as there are only a limited number of bike racks available.
Got This?

Trade Up For This

April 14th – 16th from 9am – 5pm PST
April 17th from 9am – 5pm PST
Booths 216 and 217
Mazda Raceway Laguna Seca
1021 Monterey Salinas Hwy
Salinas, CA