Saris Dealers Get Their Glow On with Video Contest

Saris Dealers Get Their Glow On with Video Contest

We challenged a select number of dealers to submit a 30 second video featuring our Solo Glow. With this challenge came an added twist: dealers had to feature a light source along with the rack. Four Saris dealers heeded our call to action and produced some glowing videos. Videos were then submitted to us here at Saris and we watched the number of views climb. The video with the most views on Vimeo or YouTube was dubbed the winner. So without further ado, congratulations to...

Dan Sirkin or Solon Bicycle of Solon, Ohio.

Dan has won $2,500 worth of Saris product. His video racked up over 12,500 views on YouTube.

We'd also like to thank our other contributors for their fun videos featured in our Solo Glow playlist: